Plants You Can Grow Without Soil - Plant Delivery Shop

Plants You Can Grow Without Soil

Plants that can be grown without soil on Plant Delivery Shop.

If handling soil isn’t your thing or you’re simply looking for a new plant growing experience, you’ll be interested in these plants you can grow without soil. Let’s dive in.


Various tillandsia plants in glass jars on Plant Delivery Shop.

First on our list is of course the air plant, Tillandsia. These versatile plants can not only thrive without soil but they can also be showcased in countless ways. As their name suggests, air plants grow in the air! They make beautiful natural decorations for any home or office. Just make sure you give your air plant a bath (let it soak for an hour) once a week in the summer and once every three weeks in the winter. For more information on how to display and care for your air plant check out this post.


A pothos plant growing in a glass jar near a window on Plant Delivery Shop.

This low-maintenance houseplant is great for those who are new to caring for plants. Aside from being undemanding, Pothos can be grown without soil. You can place your plant in a glass or vase with water. Add a few drops of liquid fertilizer to the water to nourish the plant and be sure to change out the water every 1-2 weeks. You’ll also want to scrub any algae that has begun to grow in your glass container. Place your Pothos in indirect light and voila, you’ll have a beautiful houseplant no soil required.

Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo in a glass vase on Plant Delivery Shop.

Lucky Bamboo is resilient, flexible, and can easily grow without soil. In the Feng Shui tradition, this plant is thought to bring health, fortune, and happiness. To grow your lucky bamboo in water try using filtered or distilled water. This plant can be sensitive to fluoride and chlorination. Like other plants grown in water, you’ll want to periodically change out the water and clean out any algae in the container. Place your water vessel near indirect sunlight and in a part of your home you think could use some greenery and good luck. Read more about the Lucky Bamboo plant here.


Philodendron in water on Plant Delivery Shop.

The Philodendron is another undemanding type of plant that can easily be grown without soil. These plants grow long vines and lovely heart-shaped leaves. Choose an attractive glass container to grow your plant in and make it the centerpiece of your space. Change the water somewhat frequently (every 3-4 days) and use filtered water to keep the plant healthy. Add liquid fertilizer to the plant once a month to keep it well nourished.

There are many more plants that can easily be propagated in water, but eventually, need to be moved to soil to truly thrive. For your plants that will be living solely in water, a good tip is to use an opaque container rather than clear glass. This can help prevent algae from growing. Another tip is to make sure the plant’s leaves aren’t living under the water in the container. This will cause the leaves to rot. Changing the water out is also a crucial step to keeping your plants healthy, so set reminders for yourself and enjoy the beauty of your plants without soil!