Do Plants Improve Your Mood? - Plant Delivery Shop

Do Plants Improve Your Mood?

If you've ever taken a walk through the cool shade of a hiking trail, you've felt it, the power of plants to shape our mood. From the towering trees that surround us in every day life, to the bushes lining our streets, you feel it in your very essence, a quiet calming feeling that flows over you when surrounded by our green friends. Luckily, through thousands of years of trial and error, we have the skills and knowledge to bring these plants indoors so we can enjoy them in our living rooms, offices, kitchens and every sunny spot in our house.

Plants Improve our Mood by Creating Pretty Spaces

Woman enjoying her plants in her yoga room

There are a lot of ways to make an indoor space look good. However, there is not a better way to make a space look alive than by putting something living in it. The positive effects on mood of having cats and dogs have been well documented and it's not any different with our leafy friends. People simply like seeing life flourish around them. To top this all off, the wide variety of unique colors and smells that plants bring to the room, will delight your senses and leave you feeling uplifted.

The Act of Caring for Plant Improves Your Mood

Transplanting a spider plant to another pot

When you take care of plants and keep them alive, you're not just earning the badge of "green thumb." You're creating a much deeper feeling of contentment. In 2015, a study was conducted among a group of 24 individuals that aimed to see how the caring of plants could affect their mood. Researchers had participants complete tasks involving computers and technology and compared their physiological responses to when they performed the act of transplanting a house plant. When participants cared for their plants they felt less stressed out and had a soothed feeling about them.

Create Your Own Plant Sanctuary

A room full of various plants, cozy.

Do you want to start your very own plant sanctuary? Or do you want to add more plants to your existing sanctuary to give yourself that much needed mood boost? We have a large selection of plants for you to browse, and the best part is they'll be delivered right to your door! From the robust spider plant to the famous aloe vera, we have exactly what you're looking for to build a beautiful indoor and outdoor space.