5 Low-light Plants for Your Home and Office - Plant Delivery Shop

5 Low-light Plants for Your Home and Office

A potted snake plant on an office window sill on Plant Delivery Shop.

Have a room in your home that gets little sunlight? Maybe you'd like to add some greenery to your office, but worry there isn't enough light to keep plants thriving. Let's talk about 5 plants that have low-light requirements. Note, however, that low-light does not mean NO light at all. All plants require some amount of sunlight for photosynthesis.

1. Peace Lily

A closeup of a peace lily in bloom on Plant Delivery Shop.

Peace lilies, as their name suggests, are symbols of peace and tranquility. And they can bring tranquility to even the dimmer parts of your home. They are able to thrive in partial shade and are generally easy to care for. Common mistakes in caring for peace lilies are over-watering and placing them in direct sunlight. If you're looking for a way to spruce up your office or home, or that of a friend a peace lily is the perfect low-light plant.

2. Snake Plant

2 potted snake plants near a couch on Plant Delivery Shop.

Perhaps the most resilient and low maintenance of all houseplants, the snake plant also does not require a lot of sunlight. Be careful not to overwater your snake plant if it is in a shaded area. This flexible plant can also do well in bright locations, so if you ever need to move it to another room with different lighting it will still thrive.

3. ZZ Plant

A ZZ plant's long leaves in a shaded room on Plant Delivery Shop.

ZZ plants are often seen in office buildings and this is in part due to their tolerance for low-light settings. Their bright, glossy leaves make any space more welcoming. This lovely plant is also drought resistant. If your office is feeling drab and you'd like to add natural beauty to it, a ZZ plant would make a wonderful, low-maintenance addition.

4. Monstera Deliciosa

A monstera deliciosa plant in a green ceramic pot on Plant Delivery Shop.

What's not to love about this quirky plant? Also known as the swiss cheese plant due to the shape of its leaves, monstera deliciosa is a wonderful addition to any home or office. Note, it does grow fast and you'll want to place it in a location where it has room to do so. Indoors they can grow to be between 6.6 and 9.8 feet tall. In nature, this plant can grow up to 66 feet high! Its natural habitat is tropical jungles where light is dappled. This makes monster deliciosa a low-light plant that is sure to make any space a lot more interesting and beautiful.

5. Bird's Nest Fern

A potted bird's nest fern on a wooden surface on Plant Delivery Shop.

With its wavy leaves, the bird's nest fern almost looks like something under the sea. In nature, it typically grows on other plants and in the crooks of trees. This beautiful low-light plant requires humidity and does well near bathrooms or other locations where warmth and humidity will be abundant. Add tropical flair to your home with a bird's nest fern.

There are many low-light plants that can thrive in our homes and offices, adding beauty in dim locations. Get some plants for yourself or your friends and coworkers. Give a gift of natural beauty and health!